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Husbands Bosworth Primary School

Husbands Bosworth CE Primary School

Prospectus and School Tours

We are always delighted to show prospective families around our school, and we would be very happy to organise a tour for you. In the autumn term, we also have our Open Morning, which is designed for parents of preschool children looking for a primary school place. 

To book a tour or to join our Open Morning, please contact the School Office via or call 01858 880212

Why choose us?

We are a well-supported, flourishing village school that prides itself on delivering an excellent education to its children. We offer a broad and varied curriculum that enables our children to delve deeply into subjects that really interest them. We have 'Art, Design and Technology' weeks spaced throughout the year, allowing our children to immerse themselves creatively. We have a breakfast club and various after-school activities, a full sports programme and our sports field and Forest School area. 

Our Early Years children are taught in their own modern building, allowing them to feel safe, secure and settled in school. We have close community links with other organisations in the village, the local churches and our farming neighbours - meaning we can have our own Farm School initiative running throughout the year. 

Our children go on many outings locally, take part in national events like Young Voices (a UK wide choir event), enjoy trips to the pantomime and so much more!